Earlier this month I attended the Utah Speech-Language Hearing Association (USHA) conference where I was both surprised and honored to receive the 2014 Louis M. DeCarlo Clinical Achievement Award for the contribution Little Bee Speech apps (Articulation Station and Articulation Test Center) have made to the advancement in clinical practice for Speech Language Pathologists.
I want to thank all that were involved in this and let them know how happy it makes me to hear about all the success Speech Pathologists and parents are having with these programs. Your success motivates me to push forward and continue developing additional programs that will help our children everywhere improve their speech and language skills.
It’s important to note that without my husband and programming team for the hours of design and developing that they have put into these apps, I wouldn’t be writing this post right now. Thank you!
I’d like to share the following comments from SLPs here in Utah that have been using these apps. Thank you all so much for sharing your thoughts!

“We love Articulation Station because it is convenient, easy and it saves time. We use it with our articulation students, but it also has such great pictures that we use it to help kids work on describing. Thank you for creating this valuable speech tool. What did we ever do without it?!” – Pam Knowles, SLP
I like how user friendly and versatile Articulation Station Pro is. The pictures are great and it certainly makes data keeping a breeze! I also like that you can have the child record their productions and then listen to them. This really helps with discrimination and self-monitoring.” – Lillian Clark, SLP
Articulation Station has been a huge contributor with regards to therapy activities and clinical practice. I love that it’s customizable, and the huge variety of sounds and words available. Instead of hunting down lists of words for each sound in every position, I’m able to concentrate on how I want to teach the sound, and develop therapy activities that are interest-specific for each student. Artic Station is a huge time saver and engages my students.” – Samantha Plessman, SLP
As an SLP, I need access to materials that are easy, convenient, and user friendly for my technician to use when she drills the children after I have established a sound. My SLT uses Articulation Station and generates very informational data to help me guide my practice.” – Marie Mitchell, SLP
I love Articulation Station! It makes my work with 5- and 10-minute kids so much faster, and it is so easy to keep data!!” – Cheryl Winfree, SLP
“High-quality pictures – finally! And you can add photos tailored to your specific students. Students love to record themselves and hear their progress. The background information and tutorials are great for parent education. And no more carrying around lots of papers and tins!” – Lorie Reese, SLP
Articulation Station is by far one of the greatest tools I have to use with my students. It keeps my preschoolers engaged and my 6th graders motivated. I simply can’t imagine being an SLP without it!” – Janelle Barrett, SLP
Things I like about Articulation Station that have been helpful in therapy: 1. Being able to customize the word lists to take out words that may be too hard for the student. 2. Being able to record the student practicing their words – this has helped students become more aware of how they are saying their sounds – good feedback for them. So handy to have all the sound and all the levels in one place for on the go therapy.” – Sandy Channell, SLP
I love Articulation Station! It’s an engaging way to mix up the therapy session. And the ability to send home recordings to parents keeps them aware of their kids progress, and know what they can expect of their kids at home. I LOVE IT!” – Cambria Staples, SLT
Articulation Station Pro has simplified articulation therapy. It is right at your fingertips no matter what sound you are working on without having to get into a lot of other materials. The best part is that the students love it. Happy students and happy therapist a win all around.” – Janet Vause, SLP
I absolutely love Articulation Station Pro. My kids love that they can record their voices and get that instant feedback. I love that it keeps data for me and that it is fun to use.” – Jeanne Lester, SLP
As a new clinician, Articulation Station has been an invaluable tool. It allows me to target the needs of all of my different articulation students without a lot of preparation.” – Teresa Young, SLP
Articulation Station is more motivating for students so they attend longer, data keeping is easier, less hassle as different levels are available in one place (single words, sentences, reading, etc…..).” – Cindy Quercia, SLP
I use the 5 Minute Kids system for artic, and I love using Articulation Station Pro! It allows me to walk around the building to pull kids for therapy without dragging a lot of extra materials with me; all I need is the iPad and my data binder. The kids love it too – they would much rather read words and sentences from the iPad than from paper. Articulation Test Center has made progress reports so much easier! At the end of each quarter I update the screening for each of my students then use that data for progress reports. It has saved so much time!” – Kresta Atkin, SLP
Articulation Station Pro has been so motivating for my students because they can see how I score each response. They know to try harder on the next word if they do not get a checkmark. I also take my iPad with me to parent/teacher conferences and parents love the visual data that the app provides. Thank you for making my job easier!” – Stephanie Gross, SLP
The Little Bee Speech Apps have changed the way I do therapy. They have saved me valuable preparation time that I can spend working with my students rather than gathering materials. Thank you Heidi for changing Articulation Therapy for the better!” – Sarah Cox, SLP
To all of the SLPs, SLP bloggers, as well as SLP app developers out there… Keep up the outstanding work. We couldn’t be part of a better field!